Lviv Urban Forum
June 27-29, Lviv



About the forum
To preserve and restore our cities, we must take responsibility.  Here and now, everyone in their place - mayor, architect, business, residents. We should not wait for opportunities, but create them, work harder, move faster, make difficult decisions, adopt best practices and apply them wisely in the local context.  

We are responsible for the present, so with limited budgets, we have to invent mechanisms to rebuild housing, to create a system of care for thousands of citizens affected by the war, to ensure a quality of life for communities that will allow human potential to be realized not tomorrow, but today.

We are responsible for the future. At the second urban forum, we will continue the dialogue on what urban planning policy and legislation should be, what tools and resources can already be used for qualitative transformations in cities.

We are responsible for the past and its worthy memorialization in the urban space, for the preservation of historical heritage, which should become an asset, not a burden for the community.

We invite you to create the 2nd Lviv Urban Forum with us:
Mayors and heads of Ukrainian communities
Chief architects and heads of departments
Representatives of the government and relevant ministries
City planners and urban planning specialists
Scientists and students
Civil society


days of forum


world-class speakers


Forum Speakers 2024
Alejandro Aravena
Alejandro Aravena is a Chilean architect who won the Pritzker Prize in 2016 for the "revival of socially oriented architecture".

Aravena is one of the world's most famous modern architects and he will give a lecture on how architects can be some kind of rebels and accept today's challenges with dignity, creating radical changes not tomorrow, but today.
Gilma Gylyte
Gilma Gylyte is a Lithuanian architect, co-founder of the Do Architects, who in addition to building successful public and residential complexes, developed an impressive format for transforming typical educational institutions of the Soviet era into educational spaces.

This striking change in the formats of educational buildings is designed to transform society as a whole, because who to start with, if not the youngest.
Andreas Hofer
Andreas Hofer is an Austrian architect and researcher in the sphere of urban design at the Vienna University

He will talk at the Forum about how to better plan and successfully implement affordable housing using the Viennese model as an example.
Joanna Averley
Joanna is the chief planner of the British Government who will talk about the implementation of principles and standards in planning and architecture designed to ensure responsible development of the built environment.
Christoph Gantenbein
Christoph Gantenbein is the co-founder of the international practice Christ & Gantenbein, which he started in 1998 together with Emanuel Christ. The firm's most prominent completed projects include the expansion and transformation of the Swiss National Museum in Zurich and the extension of the Kunstmuseum Basel, both cultural landmarks with a global reach.

The architect will talk about the responsibility for researching and cherishing local typologies, as they are the unique code of each culture and environment.
Markus Zilker
Markus Zilker is the founder of the Austrian studio Einszueins Architektur and he will talk about how working with communities can become the basis for inspiring architecture, full of concern for human relationships and co-creation.

Lviv Urban Forum will be held on June 28-30 and will bring together practitioners who daily make decisions on how our communities will look like:

-mayors and chief city architects
-urban planners
-government officials and other city professionals
-students and teachers, specialized in urban studies

The pre-registration is now open - please fill out the application and get information on how to participate in the forum. The number of places is limited.


day 01

27 june


OPENING EVENING | 16:00-18:30
Principles of responsibility


day 02

28 june

MORNING SESSION | 9:15-11:00
Being responsible at the national scale

Coffee break | 11:00-11:30

NOONTIME SESSION | 11:30-13:00
Combining development with social resilience

Lunch | 13:00-14:00

- Making real change possible
- Fair of opportunities

Coffee break | 15:30-16:00

EVENING LECTURE | 16:00-18:30
- Being rebellious and facing the challenges of today
- Cherishing local typologies


day 03

29 june

MORNING SESSION | 9:30-11:00
Rethinking the convectional

Coffee break | 11:00-11:30

NOONTIME SESSION | 11:30-13:00
- Raising the bar and improving the standards: safety, building and planning codes
- Agglomerations: responsibility of cities beyond their administrative boundaries

Lunch | 13:00-14:00

- Youth rethinking the city
- Rethinking the discipline

CLOSING | 16:00-16:20
*the program is being supplemented

Apply for participation

Participation is paid. Your contribution will cover the costs of organization and meals during the event. The fee is non-refundable. If for some reason you are unable to participate in the event, you can write to and we can make changes to the name of the registered person.

Lviv Urban Forum is not a commercial event and is free of charge for more than 600 local government professionals - mayors and heads of communities, chief architects of the city, heads and employees of specialized departments, as well as architects and urban architects of the military. The selection will be made on a competitive basis.


2 000 UAH*

• specialized educational institutions
• specialties architecture/ urban planning/ design, etc.
• with a valid student card


2 500 UAH*

• architects and urban planning specialists
• everyone who is interested in transforming communities into a comfortable living environment
• for teams of 4, the price is UAH 10 000
*The application deadline is May 26.


3000 UAH*

• architects and urban planning specialists
• everyone who is interested in transforming communities into a comfortable living environment
*for teams of 4 or more 1990 UAH/person.
The event is organized by the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of the Lviv City Council within the Cities 4 Cities | United 4 Ukraine project which is implemented in partnership with SALAR International.

Germany is co-hosting the Ukraine Recovery Conference, German government, particularly the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building as well the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development both together with  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, is the General Partner of Lviv Urban Forum 2024.

The Forum will happen thanks to the institutional support of ZMIN Foundation and the partnerships with the European Union and United Nations Development Programme within the Mayors for Economic Growth Facility, The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Ukraine-Moldova American Enterprise Fund project “City Is Me”, Program USAID DOBRE, Algorytm NGO, Prosperity UA, Avalon, GalSad and others.
With the assistance of
With the assistance of
Media partners
Friends of the forum
Location partner
Urban mobility partner
Greening partner
Media Partners
За сприяння
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